
Trusting God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Why is it easier to obey God than to trust him? Because obeying God makes sense to us. In most cases His laws appear reasonable and wise, and even when we don't want to obey them, we usually concede that they are good for us. But the circumstances we find ourselves in often defy explanation. When unexpected situations arise that appear unjust, irrational, or even dreadful, we feel confused and...

an accident and was paralyzed from my waist down.” Like Rabbi Kushner, we are reluctant to attribute “bad” things to the intervening hand of God. The second problem with our popular use of the expression “the providence of God” is that we either unconsciously or deliberately imply that God intervenes at specific points in our lives but is largely only an interested spectator most of the time. When we think this way, even unconsciously, we reduce God’s control over our lives to a stop-and-go, in-and-out
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